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HOME » » For Killing a Burglar, Two Indonesians Sentenced to Death in Malaysia

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Paspor Frans dan Dharry
SBMI, PONTIANAK - Two Indonesian migrant workers from Pontianak, West Kalimantan, were sentenced to death on Thursday by the Shah Alam high court in Selangor, Malaysia, for killing a Malaysian burglar in December 2010. 

Antara news agency reported that the two, brothers Frans Hiu and Dharry Frully Hiu, who work in a Playstation rental cafe, will appeal the decision. The two claim they're innocent and only acted in self-defense. 

Frans and Dharry said they were asleep inside their house on Jalan 4, Taman Sri Sungai Pelek, Selangor, when they realized someone had entered their home. 

Frans said he struggled with the burglar, idenfitied as R. Khartic, while Dharry tried to flee. Amid the struggle, Frans said he was able to grab the burglar in a neck-hold until the perpetrator ran out of breath and died.

The judge handling the case, Nur Cahaya Rasha, approved prosecutor Zainal Azwar's demand to sentence the two to death by hanging.

The father of the burglar, V.P. Rajah, was seen crying out loud when the judge read the verdict. In 2004, his son Khartic was arrested after getting involved in a fight with thugs.

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